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Using Member Payment Reports

You have several ways to view your bank deposits, member payment history, and outstanding required payments.

Go to: Manage>Payments>Payment Reports

All Payments Report

Go to: Manage>Payments>Payment Reports>All Payments Report

The All Payments Report shows your full member payment history. It can be filtered by date and payment type - including Offline Payments.

When do I use this report?
  • To generate a comprehensive report using all member payment history.
  • To review online vs. offline payments.
  • To review processing fee totals over a chosen period of time.
  • To export payment history to a CSV.

Bank Reconciliation

Go to: Manage>Payments>Payment Reports>Bank Reconciliation

The Bank Reconciliation Report shows the detail for each payout to your bank account, including all member payments, ticket orders, and processing fees. It also shows your account balance and the current week's batch of payments awaiting the next payout.

When do I use this report?

  • For weekly bookkeeping; to reconcile each bank payout. To see a summary of the money collected and the details of orders that were batched into the deposit.
  • To view your current balance before issuing refunds to members or ticket patrons.
  • To monitor cash flow.
  • To export payout/deposit details to a CSV.

Item Sales Reports

Go to: Manage>Payments>Payment Reports>Item Sales Reports

The Item Sales Report shows all member purchases for each store item. It includes payment detail, balances, and AutoPay status.

When do I use this report?

  • To review who hasn't fully paid for the item and their remaining balances.
  • To review who is required to pay for the item.
  • To review the AutoPay status for each person. Here are the statuses you might see for AutoPays:
    • Not Enrolled: The member has not used AutoPay for this item.
    • Enrolled: The member is currently enrolled in AutoPay and payments have been successful.
    • Completed: The member has made all payments via AutoPay.
    • Declined: A payment has been declined. The system will try to charge the card again the following day.
    • Canceled (Member): The member canceled the AutoPay plan.
    • Canceled (Admin): A chorus leader canceled the AutoPay plan.
    • Canceled (Failed): A payment has been declined after being retried for 14 days in a row and the system terminated the AutoPay plan.
  • To export the details of the item's sales and related payments to a CSV.

Concert Reports

Go to: Manage>Payments>Payment Reports>Concert Reports

The Concert Reports show the payment status for all required store items by concert period.

When do I use this report?

  • To review who has or hasn't paid for each required item for the members involved in the concert cycle.
  • To link to the full payment history for each member who is involved in the concert cycle.