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  2. Organizing Members

Overview of Groups

Groups allow you to categorize people, like Statuses and Sections, but with more flexibility!

Go to: Manage>Groups

The Basics

Groups work much like the Statuses and Sections with several key differences:

  • Groups are optional: A member could belong to one group or all of the groups. The only required group is the "All Members" or "Everybody" group.
  • Any "active" member can be added to any group: You're not limited to one Section or one Status. You can add any "active" member to any group.
  • Groups are assigned in the Group settings: Statuses and Sections are assigned inside the member's profile. Groups are different—you add or remove members under Manage>Groups.

Sample Groups

We start you off with a sample set of groups to help you envision other groups you'll want to create. You're bound to create a large number over time. Other ideas could include:

  • Committees
  • Volunteers
  • Soloists
  • Staff Departments (artistic vs. administrative)
  • Tour Participants

Creating, Editing, and Deleting Groups

  • To create a Group: Click the New button then type the group's name and the group's email address. You're able to customize the email address before the @ symbol.
  • To edit a Group: Click the green Edit button beside it. You can change the name of the group and you can customize the e-mail address.
  • To delete a Group: Make sure that no members have the status. Then click the Delete button next to the group. 

Important note: Deleting a group will permanently delete the group's email archive.

Adding or Removing Group Members

You add or remove members of a group under Manage>Groups. Click the green Edit button next to the group you would like to edit. On the edit page, you'll see a list of all active people with an Include? checkbox next to each person's name. Check or uncheck the box to add or remove the person from the group.

Approved Senders

Each group has an email distribution list address, and you have total control over who can use it. To change the approved senders, click the three-dot-menu menu button beside the group.

  • All Admins - This is the default setting. Admins can always email every distribution list in the system.
  • Everyone in this Group - Please pause and reflect. Do you really want to allow every member of the list to e-blast and "reply all" to everyone else? Kidding aside, only use this option if you're comfortable with free-flowing conversations from everyone in the group that you're editing.
  • Individually Approved Senders - You can grant permission to any other active user to email the list. This is great for people like Section Leaders, board/committee chairs, artistic leaders who aren't admins, etc.

    Important Note: Individual Approved Senders can see the email archive for the list just like members of the list.

Having trouble deciding on "groups" for your organization? Fear not! Chorus Connection is flexible because we know that each group is set up a bit differently. Our team can help you configure groups in the best way to meet your chorus's needs!